Deep Tech Venture Capital Fund

Investing in Canadian deep tech, helping companies change the
world, one investment at a time. By engineers for engineers.

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Canadian deep tech is underinvested.

Despite being one of the most educated nations in the world, Canada fails to protect and invest in our deep tech innovations.

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Lack of education in deep tech

The RiSC Capital team has 35+ years of combined experience operating and investing, best IRRs when backing seed/deep tech.

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No technical risk takers

We welcome technical risk because we understand it. We know how to identify opportunities that scare others off.

Why RisC Capital

Engineers funding other engineers

As engineers, we are dedicated to finding and digging deep into creative, game-changing tech and investing in the future of what it can become and do for Canada. We support and develop the next generation of leaders, bringing a depth of management experience and support to every company we invest in.

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“All base UI elements are made using Nested Symbols and shared styles that are logically connected. Gorgeous, high-quality video sharing on desktop, mobile, tablet. All base UI elements are made using Nested Symbols”

John Doe - Lead marketing specialist

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A Proven Model

Across the 70+ investments we’ve made over the last 20 years, we’ve had the biggest wins in deep tech investing.

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Send us a presentation

It all starts here. Send us a business presentation for us to review. This pre-qualifying step ensures we don’t waste anytime.

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Pitch us your business

This is where the magic happens. We get to hear about what inspires you and how you plan to change the world.

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Build the future

The sky’s the limit. You now have the capital to execute on your plan. Showing the world what you have built.

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See who we have helped and how we can help you too.


Innovere Medical

Innovere Medical

Innovere Medical




Seed/Series A



Innovere Medical makes wireless video screens for MRI machines, reducing the anxiety caused by the tight space and increasing the communication between the technician and patient.

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Semantic Health

Semantic Health

Semantic Health







Semantic Heath is an AI platform software that uses NLP to process Hospital records and turn them into billable codes.

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Aeroflux Brakes

Aeroflux Brakes

Aeroflux Brakes







Design magnetic frictionless brakes for airplanes/trains

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Skygauge Robotics

Skygauge Robotics

Skygauge Robotics







Skygauge has reinvented the drone to perform work not possible with drones today. Their patented design with tilting rotors results in stability and force that can be appied to a wall surface. With an initial target market in Ultrasonic Testing of industrial structures, the company will branch out into a wide array of work like pressure washing, painting, coating, scrubbing, welding, and other maintenance. ‘Workforce in the Sky’.

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Brink Bionics

Brink Bionics

Brink Bionics







Brink Bionics makes a gaming glove for "First Person Shooter" gamers that allows them to shoot 80ms faster than their opponent. The glove grabs the nerve impulse from the brain as it moves across the hand to the index finger and sends the signal directly to the game, before it gets to the mouse click.

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Nexera Robotics

Nexera Robotics

Nexera Robotics







Develop a robotic arm grasper for a wide range of diverse objects‍

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Read about us in the news

We are constantly sharing news about what RiSC Capital is doing in the deep tech space.

Find all updates here to see how we have helped others in this industry and how we can help you too.

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Meet The Team

We have 35+ years of combined experience operating and investing, best IRRs when backing seed/deep tech.

25 years entrepreneur and investing experience
  • Founded reBOOT Canada, Truition, First Coverage, Jatheon, Dos Cielos and Hero Ventures
  • Invested in 25 Companies since 2004 with 32% IRR on all exits
  • First Investor in, Visualase, Medchart, Home Away, Antibe Thera, Hol Food, X-Matic
  • 2 patents – cycling glasses/swim goggles
  • Gold Jubilee award from the Queen
  • BSc. EE Princeton University ‘88
  • Machine Learning Stanford ‘17
  • Loves Olive Oil and Treasure Hunting
  • Deep Experience: E-commerce, AI, Blockchain, Software, med-tech devices

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Colin Webster

20 year venture capital experience
  • Investing since July 2000, over 50 investments
  • Founding partner Round13, MaRS IAF, Growthworks, Scotiabank PE
  • Deep full-stack technical background
  • Strongest returns have been from early stage information technology firms
  • BEng. Mgt. (Computer Engineering with business option) from McMaster 1995, active volunteer in IEEE, student council, etc.
  • Loves skiing, electric cars and craft beer
  • Deep Experience in traditional industry investing such as retail, consumer packaged goods, oil and gas

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Scott Pelton

  • Co-founder of Scalar Decisions and a strong proponent of Scalar’s “architect led” vision.
  • Ex-CTO, Rubikloud, where he led the engineering team developing a machine learning platform focused on the retail vertical.
  • Active member of Toronto’s IT community with over 20 years of experience in systems architecture, business analysis, operations, and software in advising customers, partners, and start-ups.
  • Consults on many councils, ranging from technology exchanges, product development, security, and cloud computing initiatives.
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Roger Singh

  • Chemical engineer by training.
  • 5 yrs developing IP in the water treatment and environmental industry
  • 26 yrs helping clients develop chemical process technology and take it from the lab through pilot and demonstration plants to commercialization.
  • Helped build Zeton Inc. into the world leader in modular pilot and demonstration scale plant design and manufacture.
  • Former clients include Monolith, who recently received a $1 billion loan from US DOE for their commercial plant to make carbon black and hydrogen from natural gas.
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Paul Martin

  • Scott Lake is a startup entrepreneur, tech investor, and philanthropist. He is best known as the cofounder of Shopify (NYSE: SHOP), then later as founder of Source Metrics.
  • Currently, Scott is a general partner at Hello Ventures, where he leverages all the learning from his entrepreneurial journeys to invest in and advise early-stage tech companies.
  • Scott also plays an active role with his wife Jess as philanthropic funders of diverse social and public health causes.
  • In his past lives, he has been a bike messenger, a university lecturer, a driver at NATO, and a political science PhD.

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Scott Lake


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