
Jumping into the Fast-Growing World of eSports

Jumping into the Fast-Growing World of eSports

After months of hard work and planning, RiSC Capital recently made its first Deep Tech investment in Canada.

Brink Bionics sang the deep tech song to us.

The team consists of academics from the University of Waterloo who have immense domain expertise with neural interfaces, as well as proprietary protected technology.

The timing for us was perfect as many people have turned to gaming during COVID lockdowns, as well as the massively growing  popularity of eSports.

For these reasons, we believe Brink has huge potential within the eSports/First Person Shooter (FPS) market, which is seeing consumers spend more on technology to enhance the gaming experience. These gamers are willing to pay a premium price on gear to increase their abilities on online games.

The technology is exciting for the eSports vertical: In-game actions triggered by Brink’s Impulse glove are faster than clicking on a traditional mouse. This allows users/gamers to shoot faster or aim-down-sights faster.

Although we are not hard-core gamers, it is easy to see that this is a huge benefit for fast-paced action games like CS:GO, Call of Duty, and Fortnite.

Brink's technology allows the glove to “listen” to small muscle signals within the user’s hand and uses these signals to determine the action that they are trying to perform. The Impulse glove sends these commands directly to the computer, bypassing the mouse and keyboard. With practice, users can gain an impressive 80-millisecond improvement to their reaction time.

In the gaming word, that’s the difference between living and dying!

The reaction time-use case was recently validated by Nvidia with the launch of their new next-gen 3090 chipset, which is focused on giving gamers a competitive advantage by increasing their reaction times. NVIDIA's Reflex technology promises to reduce input lag on your PC.

This is positive news for Brink because Nvidia will educate the market that response time is a key for gamers to enhance their performance.

Keep an eye out for Brink’s Kickstarter campaign that will be launched next month. We are delighted that Brink has invited RiSC to share in their journey to enhance human performance with human machine interfaces and eSports.

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